A new malaria vaccine tested in a large clinical trial in Africa seems to be safe and very effective at protecting young children against malaria. One year after vaccination, children who received the malaria vaccine had a 75% lower risk of developing malaria infection with symptoms at sites with seasonal malaria. At sites with malaria year-round, the vaccine was 68% effective. The vaccine was even more effective in children under 18 months, cutting their risk of malaria by 75-79%. The malaria vaccine caused mainly mild reactions like pain where injected and fever. No major safety issues occurred.  

Malaria remains a huge problem in Africa, killing over 600,000 people every year. Most of those who die are children under 5. Researchers are very excited by these results. The vaccine, called R21/Matrix-M, requires fewer doses and works better than the only approved malaria vaccine so far. It also costs less to make.

Several African countries have already approved this new malaria vaccine. The World Health Organization recently recommended its use across Africa. If future monitoring continues to show the vaccine is safe and effective, it could be a game changer in efforts to control and eliminate malaria in Africa. Giving the vaccine to infants could save many young lives.


Global Health  Malaria  Vaccine Efficacy  



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