"Malaria in 2022: Increasing challenges, cautious optimism" a commentary published in Nature Communications in 2022 by authors Prasanna Jagannathan and Abel Kakuru highlights the current malaria landscape, on the emerging threats but also promising progress made on new interventions. 

Key points made in the article include resurgence of malaria cases in some areas recently, which might have been exacerbated by COVID-19 disruptions to health services. Some of the trends that are threatening current malaria control tools include insecticide resistance compromising bednets and indoor spraying, and early signs of artemisinin resistance emerging in Africa. The spread of drug and insecticide resitance which could severely undermine recent advancements dependent on artemisinin combination therapies and vector control strategies.

The authors also present notes of cautious optimism; Aproval of the malaria vaccine RTS,S  for use in late 2021 after showing ability to prevent around 30% of severe malaria cases in trials. Progress seen with next-generation vaccines like R21 currently undergoing phase 3 trials. Additionally, combining interventions like preventive therapy and vaccines appears more effective than single measures alone. While substantial challenges remain, emerging tools like novel antimalarials, more efficacious vaccines, and combinatorial approaches will be crucial to help get us back on track towards malaria elimination targets if adequately suported. 



Malaria  Vaccine Efficacy  RTS,S  


interventions  malaria  RTS  S  vaccines  


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